
Here Goes Nothing

On the verge of having so much to say, and not knowing where to start; here goes nothing.

My lovely wife blogs.

I have been asked to do a guest post on her blog due to strong demand from her readers (not really). Anyways, there is a reason that I have entered the blog-o-sphere. That reason being I wanted to do a challenge.

It all started one night while Lindz and I were watching Survivor Heroes v. Villains. She was off in world writing a new post while I was feeling an urge to do something out of the ordinary. Nothing crazy, nothing dumb, just a little out there. That's when it hit me ... I wanted to do a 3o day challenge and blog about my misadventures on the web. Not really knowing what to do at first I was in search of a challenge. This is when, a little out there, shows up. My original idea was to do a Survivor Food Challenge. The basis of the Challenge was to eat only what I saw the Survivors eat on the show for that full week until the next episode aired. This would mean eating nothing but rice, fish, wild chicken, and coconuts. I was really getting motivated; I mean flying high and ready to start as soon as possible. Until this glorious idea was slain not just by Lindz, but also my vehement desire and love of food. Logically it did not make sense. I mean, I work out three days a week for an hour or longer, while also walking a 15 mile marathon a day at work on avg. (retail). Those of you who know me, and my appetite, know this low calorie diet might kill me. I would not last past the first week. HA who am I kidding the first day.

Now that the back story-line has been laid behind this blogging experience. I have created my own page in need of help. I will continue my search for a challenge but I need your help (like anyone will read this anyways). Please leave posts of ideas no matter how random they maybe. I will attempt as much as my mind, body and allowance will let me. All the while recapitulating my successes and miserable failures back to this simplistic blog page. Hopefully I can capture some action shots or videos of these so called challenges and post them for your entertainment.

Let the Challenges commence...

1 comment:

Kate said...

I was thinking you should try the "Master Cleanse" before I got to the part about nothing food related. I lasted about 18 hours (out of 10 days) on the water, lemon, maple syrup, cayenne pepper fast that is supposed to be so healthy. I'll be sure to let Wes know this exists. You might be hearing from him soon :)